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NOW Bush says we CAN win war on terror, total FLIP FLOP

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AP is reporting that Bush is NOW saying we CAN win the war on terror, and we're already winning it! This only ONE DAY after he told NBC's Matt Lauer that we CAN'T win the war on terror. Now who is the king of flip flops? Less than ONE DAY and he's totally changing his tune on - what issue? - no less than THE WAR ON TERROR. The president who, say what you will about him, ALWAYS had CONVICTION and always STUCK TO HIS GUNS, has now gone soft. He's now pandering to the polls, pandering to the media, pandering to the electorate. When the going gets tough, George Bush simply sings a different tune.

It's time WE wore flip flops to every Bush event.

From the AP:

President Bush will tell the nation's largest veterans' group Tuesday that "we will win" the war on terror, seeking to quell controversy and Democratic criticism of his remark aired a day earlier that victory in the anti-terror battle may not be possible, his spokesman said.

In a speech before the national convention of the American Legion, the president will make it "crystal clear" that America will win the war on terrorism, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

"Not only are we winning it, but we will win it," McClellan said in describing Bush's speech.

That message contradicts Bush's statement, aired Monday in a pre-taped television interview, that "I don't think you can win" the war on terror.

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