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FBI is the source of the spy leak

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AP has confirmed the CBS story with an anonymous "federal law enforcement official."

"FBI Probes if Official Spied for Israel
By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The FBI is investigating a Pentagon official for allegedly spying for Israel, including the passing of classified materials about secret White House deliberations on Iran, a federal law enforcement official said Friday.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the investigation is continuing and no arrests have yet been made."
I reread the CBS story which was unclear as to where their source was. It was implied, but not explicit. This AP story is complicit.

Not sure what it means that the FBI (it's under Ashcroft remember) leaked it. I still stand that it can't be a good story going into the convention. Don't think that I'm getting all conspiracy theory on everyone, just thinking aloud.

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