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Bush Bitch-Slaps Cheney

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Bush amended his platform to make it virulently anti-gay, which proves he was lying when Bush claimed he just wanted to "protect" marriage. But more interesting, far right radicals admit it was also done as a slap in the face of the Vice President, who wanted to pretend he respects his daughter when in fact his voting record in Congress was one of the most anti-gay possible.

"At a news conference yesterday, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a group of social conservatives, said that the push to strengthen the platform's opposition to same-sex civil unions was partly a response to Vice President Dick Cheney's statement last week that he personally favored leaving the issue up to the states.

"'We are obviously troubled by the vice president's comments last week, which in ways led to the strengthening of the language in the platform,' Mr. Perkins said. "

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