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Novak: US Senate in disarray under Senator Frist's leadership

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When Bob Novak calls last week's gay marriage debate a "tactical train wreck," you know you're doing something right. An interesting article from Novak, in that he really lets Frist have it. As much as Novak pretends early in the piece that he won't blast Frist's leadership, the article concludes:

"The finger-pointing by Republican senators is natural. How could they lose the class-action bill when they had a clear majority? How could they fail to win a majority on the gay marriage amendment? How could they fail to pass a budget? Why did they succumb to Teddy Kennedy on the tobacco buyout? The answers revolve around the caliber of leadership."
I say the Dems win the Senate back this fall, IF they can keep the Republicans in Congress and the White House in disarray. You heard it here first.

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