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GOP already gay-bashing Edwards

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Well, that certainly didn't take long. Apparently, John Edwards is a homo-lover, and the Republican National Committee is not at all happy about it. A friend of mine recently wrote up a quick analysis of how the GOP is using the gay issue to bash Edwards - here it is:

Dear Friends:

The Republican National Committee has wasted no time in launching an attack on Senator John Edwards, who was selected this morning by Senator John Kerry to be his running-mate. In a 24-page document available at the RNC provides an in depth analysis of Senator Edwards' positions and voting records, concluding that the senator is "a disingenuous, unaccomplished liberal and friend to personal injury trial lawyers."

In their analysis, the RNC specifically attacks Edwards for his gay-friendly positions on issues such as hate crimes, civil unions, employment discrimination, discrimination in the military, needle exchange programs and even sodomy reform. On pages 6 and 7 of their report on Edwards, the RNC cites a series of pro-gay votes and policy statements by Edwards as evidence that "Edwards doesn't share the priorities of American families." Among the charges raised by the GOP:

"Edwards Said States Should Decide Civil Union Status;" "In 2002, Edwards Voted For Amendment That Would Have Broadened Current Federal Hate Crimes Legislation;" and "Edwards Believes In Right To Privacy When It Comes To State Sodomy Laws." On this last item, the RNC provides as background Senator Edwards' response to a question raised by ABC's George Stephanopoulos at a May 3, 2003 candidates debate in South Carolina: Here is the exchange:

"STEPHANOPOULOS: 'Here in the state of South Carolina, it's a felony for two gay men to have sex in their own home. Senator Edwards, do you support the right of the people of South Carolina to keep that law on the books, or do you think that under the Constitution there's a fundamental right to privacy that protects that right?' EDWARDS: 'I believe there is a fundamental right to privacy. I do not believe the government belongs in people's bedrooms. I think that applies to both gay and lesbian couples and heterosexual couples.' "

The RNC is making a clear effort to appeal to anti-gay bigotry in their attacks on Senator Edwards. Surely the RNC with its highly educated staff knows that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that the right of privacy extends to gay people. Does the RNC believe that decision is mistaken? Does the RNC support a return to the day when gay people could be arrested for sexual conduct in the privacy of their homes? Does George Bush? Does Dick Cheney? Will they tell the RNC to remove these items from their Website? Someone should ask them.
Best, G.
Some damn good questions. I for one would like to know exactly where the Republican party stands on throwing gay people in jail.

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