Congress Daily, one of the most widely read political dailies in Washington, DC flip-flopped today on its reasoning for recently rejecting an ad criticizing VP Cheney and his paid campaign chair, and daughter, Mary for not speaking out against the Gay Bashing Amendment to the Constitution.
When Congress Daily initially refused our ad over a month ago, we were informed that it was because the ad was attacking a politician's child, and that Congress Daily didn't want to establish that precedent. Now Congress Daily says that in fact the reason they censored the ad because it was "tasteless" and included "sexual innuendo."
Putting aside the fact that Congress Daily's reason for rejecting the ad now seems to have changed 180 degrees, their excuse is rather odd as there's nothing sexual or tasteless at all about the ad, other than the fact that it's an ad on a gay issue (you can see an animated version of the same ad at the top of the Web site - the same ad would have run in Congress Daily, with each pane printed separately, comics style). Does Congress Daily think that gay = sexual per se, and therefore any ad on gay issues is per se off-limits for its high-brow audience? Or does Congress Daily think that it is tasteless for gays and lesbians and their allies to demand their civil rights?
Or maybe Congress Daily objects that the last pane of the ad tells the VP and Mary: "You won't #%@$* us again." The irony being that even in one's worst interpretation of what that pane means (and let's face it, the cartoon pages run sentences like that), the phrase is no worse than what Dick Cheney himself recently said on the floor of the US Senate, something the White House defended. Or does Congress Daily find the Vice President himself full of tasteless sexual innuendo? Will, they be covering him in the future?
And finally, I guess this means that Congress Daily in fact had no problem running an ad challenging Mary Cheney for her hypocrisy. Unless of course, all of this is a smoke screen and Congress Daily is simply the latest corporation to censor anyone who would dare criticize the current administration.
Feel free to give them a holler and ask them:
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Congress Daily censors anti-Cheney ad
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