UPDATE: I just checked with Mel's people. He was at Falwell's church and heard him say that he was going to be doing the invocation.
Well, we knew the honeymoon wouldn't last long. After having been beaten up for weeks by the radical right, the Republicans have decided to go for Convention 1992 all over again. Yes, they've caved to the fundamentalist wackos and added intolerant bigots like Jerry Falwell to the evening's festivities. I suppose this means the Bush campaign agrees with Falwell that gays and lesbians, ACLU members and pro-choicers caused September 11?
I KNEW the Republicans were going to make it fun to cover their convention next month.
More on this issue from Rev. Mel White of Soulforce, I just received this email from him. Mel is a long-time pain in Falwell's neck:
Hi friend,
Jerry Falwell just announced at Thomas Road Baptist Church that he would be giving the invocation on opening night at the Republican National Convention in NYC. I was stunned.
What more evidence do we need that IF George Bush is re-elected, he will have no choice but to support Fundamentalist Christian goals for this nation, its courts and its Constitution?!
In his second term, WITH ALL THE OTHER TRAGIC CONSEQUENCES OF HIS RE-ELECTION, Bush could cripple our struggle for civil rights for sexual and gender minorities. We must not let that happen...