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Let's not forget the Stephanie Herseth's of the world

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I still maintain that the Republicans are the real winners of the gay-haters' award, but the Dems still have maturing to do themselves. To wit, from yesterday's Wash Post (I'll get you a URL when I wake up in the morning):

Democratic campaign consultant Bob Doyle said that, like Herseth, most of the Democratic candidates in this year's tight congressional races in the South and Midwest "have taken [the gay marriage] issue off the table" by supporting a constitutional amendment.
Let's face it, the Dems wouldn't feel the need to "take the issue off the table" if their Republican opponents weren't using sexual orientation as a political weapons, so the Repubs still fare worse in my view. BUT, it's still reprehensible for people like Herseth to show her face in this town after kowtowing to such bigotry.

She's a Democrat - not some southern negro-hating bigot. It's time she, and other Stephanie Herseth's out there, started acting like one (a Democrat, that is).

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