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Thank Nancy Pelosi - Stop the Republican McCarthyite smear machine

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Nancy Pelosi is right. Bush is an incompetent leader. But the Republican McCarthite cheerleading squad is already on her case, accusing her, incredibly, of taunting the troops and putting their lives at risk simply because she publicly acknowledged what we all know - that Bush is an incompetent leader.

It's time to tell the Republicans that we live in a free country, and their attempts at McCarthyite censorship are getting a little old. Let's all send a big THANK YOU to Nancy Pelosi letting her know that it's nice to see a Democratic with cojones, so to speak :-)
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Here's what the Republican Nazi brigade had to say about Pelosi's honest words:

Republican leaders accused Pelosi of taunting the troops, inspiring the enemy and putting American lives at risk by telling The Chronicle on Wednesday that Bush is an 'incompetent leader'' who lacks the judgment, experience or knowledge to make good decisions.

Pelosi stood her ground, telling reporters that 'the emperor has no clothes.' With the violence in Iraq threatening to overshadow all other issues in the coming election season, each party claimed to possess the moral high ground in setting the rules for debate.

'She apparently is so caught up in the partisan hatred for President Bush that her words are putting American lives at risk,'' said House Majority leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas. 'This nation cannot afford the luxury of her dangerous rhetoric.''

Countered one Democratic leader: 'Frankly, that's McCarthyism.'' - SF Chronicle

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