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New Aschroft terror warning based on dubious source

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My blood is really boiling now with the campaign of fear spokesman Ashcroft. It becomes clearer and clearer every day how this guy lost an election to a dead man because he is such a completely incompetent clown. His new source for the terror threat is the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, which is known for its own propaganda. In a crowded field of liars and fear mongers, this guy really is taking it to a new level.

“This particular group is not really taken seriously by Western intelligence,” said terrorism expert M.J. Gohel of the Asia-Pacific Foundation, an international policy assessment group. “It does not appear to have any real field operational capability.

The group has claimed responsibility for the power blackout in the Northeast last year, a power outage in London and the Madrid bombing. None of the claims was found to be credible.

"The only thing they haven't claimed credit for recently is the cicada invasion of Washington,” said expert Roger Cressey, former chief of staff of the critical infrastructure protection board at the White House...

A senior U.S. intelligence official previously told NBC News that this group has no known operational capability and may be no more than one man with a fax machine.Friday, Ashcroft's spokesman blamed the FBI..." - NBC News
Meanwhile, CNN leads with the story, Out of sync on warning. Out of sync on warning? They must be joking! CNN is out of sync on picking up a political scam.

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