Funny that a man so hell-bent on amending the Constitution is now trashing it.
The now-very-anti-gay Republican governor of Massachusetts (as compared to ten years ago when he was sucking up to gay voters, big time) apparently is selectively enforcing state marriage laws based on the sexual orientation of the couple being married. Romney is using a racist law from 1913 that Massachusetts still has on the books (good question for Governor Romney: Why is this law, which was passed to block inter-racial marriages, still on the books in your state?) to block out of state gay marriages. The problem? The governor is selectively reviewing all the marriages of out of state gays and not reviewing the marriages of out of state heteros.
Why does this matter? Because the state law simply says you can't get married in Massachusetts if you couldn't get married in your own home state. This doesn't just apply to gay couples who might be going to Mass. to get married when their own home state wouldn't marry them. The law also applies to straight couples who might not be of age in their own home states, but are of age in Massachusetts. It could also apply to straight couples required to take certain medical tests in their home state that are not a requirement in Massachusetts. And perhaps there are other areas in which Massachusetts is more liberal than other states (the marriage of kin?).
The problem is that when a government official decides to selectively prosecute one category of citizens over another, that's a likely violation of the equal protection clause of the US Constitution, which basically says the government has to treat all citizens equally under the law. And when you apply the law to the detriment of only one class of citizens, yet ignore other classes under the same law, that's a violation. It's also one more indication of what a bigot (or a hateful opportunist) Romney is.
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Gov. Romney violates the US Constitution
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