Senator Graham (R-SC) also just said the following on Meet the Press:
GRAHAM: I think we need to look at the Guard and reserve forces. I think they're overstressed. I think we need to look and see if we have enough people in uniform to meet ALL of our obligations, just not Iraq. And that's long overdue.These guys are talking about a draft. They won't admit it, not yet at least, but that's what they're talking about. This first came up a few weeks ago with Senator Hagel (R-NE) (and at the time, Senator Biden (D-DE) didn't rule a draft out), and now it's come up again (albeit stealthily) with another Republican, Graham, today.
RUSSERT: Expand the size of the military?
GRAHAM: I think we need more troops because the obligations of the United States are not just in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now, if we were really in an all out war FOR A GOOD REASON then perhaps we would need another draft, SOME DAY. I certainly support the draft for things like WWII, duh. But this conversation brings home the point of why it matters whether we were sold a lie for going into Iraq in the first place (and why it matters if Bush has any kind of strategy or end-game for the current hostilities). This isn't just about how nice it is that Saddam is gone. It may, some day soon, be about whether our kids, our nieces and nephews, our friends, and some of you reading this right now, are going to be REQUIRED to drop everything you're doing and for the next few years go to Iraq and die, or lose a leg or an arm, fighting George Bush's bogus war.
And on a more practical level, having the draft at this point in time is a bit like giving the government an unlimited budget (or giving Microsoft's software developers an unlimited hard-drive). The more you give them, the more wasteful they become since there are no constraints on their actions.