Now that Americans are becoming more familiar with the smear tactics of this administration, they should see through the new smears and denials and jump on this story. This is one of those days when I wish I could watch the Sunday morning shows to see how this one plays out. Thanks "Bombs of Peace" for the link to the rapid spin response from the Pentagon. They've played the smear game one too many times for people to believe them anymore.
"The former intelligence official said that, in his view, Rumsfeld and other senior Pentagon officials had not studied the photographs because “they thought what was in there was permitted under the rules of engagement,” as applied to the SAP. “The photos,” he added, “turned out to be the result of the program run amok.”
“If you even give a hint that you’re aware of a black program that you’re not read into, you lose your clearances,” the former official said. “Nobody will talk. So the only people left to prosecute are those who are undefended—the poor kids at the end of the food chain.”" - The New Yorker